One of man's responsibility is Love
Jumat, Juni 29, 2007
Diposting oleh AMIN FAUZI was born: di 12:35 AM 0 komentar
Label: Mesra
Kamis, Juni 21, 2007
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Diposting oleh AMIN FAUZI was born: di 5:16 AM 0 komentar
Label: wacana
Rabu, Juni 20, 2007
Reading Habit
We often hear idiom that “book is window of the world”, “be accustom to giving book as a present”, and the other. There are many idioms which have meaning that we suggested to reading any more.
As we know that reading is very important in our life, because there are many advantages that we have pick it up. And also writing, there are many critics delivered by writing. He was across space, time and also nations in this world.
Like Ibnu Rusyd and al-Ghozali debated, we are never luxury if this idea never published in this world by writing. To write one idea we have to read any more, reading of text or reading in the reality. Because reading is one process of thinking space, how to support our mind and to think any more.
If we visit this country, we will look somebody in every where, for example in bus, stopping place for public vehicles, garden and in public place, they read book and newspaper.
Taufiq Ismail research about Indonesian people who have study abroad (
Ironically, this habit it doesn’t happen in
Physically, we can say that Indonesia is modern society, many products from advance country very is easy to find here, like building style, car, fashion until the kind of food. Only used a television program and advertising, that product and service become a consumption every day. However, all products from advance country doesn’t be imitated by Indonesian society, reading and writing habit doesn’t become a culture here.
Therefore, it’s not wrong if UNDP survey in 2003 was clarify about Indonesian achievement. The result fr0m this survey about reading society interest in this world has position number 39 from 41 country.
There are many reasons Indonesian society weakness in a reading and writing interest. Firstly, Indonesian society still stick with an oral culture, not literary culture with the result that society more accept knowledge from watching and hearing. It doesn’t come from reading and writing.
Whereas, watching sometimes make a passive thinking just accept and imitate. In a long time, power of imaginary will weak slowly and the new ideas difficult to improve. It is not wrong if accessory from the other country so easy to be wear in Indonesian society, and serious condition that the television material is more uneducated and full with gossip thing.
This condition return with a literary culture. Literary people base them knowledge with reading and writing. This process can make abstract thinking, we can see the phenomenon in every sides, not only surface side but also the sustentions. Because reading can open perception thinking, stimulate imagination.
Secondly, Indonesian society decrease of effort to buy books and magazines. Our society is more pleasure to buy accessories than the books, They often visit in shopping center than library or book store. On the other hand, development system in this country it is not balance between mall and book store or library also can influence reading energy of society.
Whereas, actually in holy book, every religion suggests to read anymore. For example Islam religion in Al-Qur’an, the first revelation goes down this world command to reading.
As we know that “knowledge is theoretic paradigm, what should be done and why, Skills is how to do it and curiosity is motivation, “curiosity to do it”. in order to success become a habit in our life, we must get that component. Amin Fauzi
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Diposting oleh AMIN FAUZI was born: di 4:51 AM 0 komentar
Label: wacana
We Need Good Law, Than Pancasila
Historically, Pancasila as long as we understand as a basic of nation and unity in diversity which is having magic and divine power so that we can’t disturb it.
Existence of Pancasila since was born, as if become an absolute respectable. Moreover, at the Orde Baru government, the person who is assumed anti Pancasila, can be catch and entered it in the prison.
So, can’t Pancasila give a power for this nation? Whereas, the reality sometimes Pancasila is used as a tool of politics in authority to do and legalize for a self-interest.
Actually, if we look reality in this nation, basic nation is not so important for us, but we more need a good law. Because law is arrange society. Because Pancasila is just philosophy of life. Philosophy can appear a dispute and new conflict.
Therefore, in the advance country there is no basic nation but there is a law. For example in Australia, basic nation is nothing but there is a clear law like KUHP (Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana) in Indonesia, the function arranges how to make relation between one person and the other so that it become a peaceful.
For example like first sila, the belief for God Almighty. If only there is somebody said that not belief for god almighty or may be atheist. Can’t they become Indonesian citizen? That is a problem.
If somebody doesn’t belief to god, it is not nation business but private right. We have religion or not as long as we never tricking, killing for somebody else, it does not make a sense. There is no Pancasila, it doesn’t matter. Sometimes people are killing each other because of philosophy fighting about Pancasila interpretation. Although Pancasila ever has role for unity in diversity on Indonesian history, Ideality unity has to arranged in law because law is more important than Pancasila.
When Orde Baru government, Pancasila used to fight PKI (Partai Komunis
Historically, because Indonesian people like symbol, may be Soekarno creates Pancasila to give symbol. Symbol needs to make unity this nation and symbol of struggle. But now, the more important thing is practice, it means clear of law.
Principally, if somebody has good characteristic, certainly he also will have good attitude although without Pancasila. Actually, the important thing is law, which is scope all of every life aspect human being. Because Pancasila just philosophy of life. Pancasila it’s good, but don’t forget that law is more important. Because it arranges a journey in the society.
Pancasila without UUD (Undang-Undang Dasar) doesn’t meaning. On the contrary, UUD without Pancasila is doesn’t matter. UU is more important than Pancasila. More better between Pancasila and UUD complete each other. But if we make rational and practice, actually there is Pancasila or nothing it is no problem. Because UU is more important than the others. Because Pancasila is symboling it doesn’t consequence that law is more significant. Amin Fauzi
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Diposting oleh AMIN FAUZI was born: di 4:32 AM 0 komentar
Label: wacana
Minggu, Juni 17, 2007
A pioneer for Today and Tomorrow
Albert Einstein mengari kita untuk merevolusi cara berpikir ketika menciptakan teori relativitas
Wright bersaudara mengajari kita akan pentingnya ide besar kala membangun pesawat terbang pertama.
Dan Blog ini juga melanjutkan semangat mereka dengan menjadi pioneer spionase intelektual di hadapan anda.
Selamat bertarung…..!
Diposting oleh AMIN FAUZI was born: di 10:08 PM 0 komentar
Label: amin
Jumat, Juni 15, 2007
Keep Smile
Senyum itu gratis, tapi ia memberi banyak makna
Senyum itu memperkaya bagi yang menerima, namun tidak akan mempermiskin bagi yang memberi
Senyum itu hanya sejenak saja, tapi memberi kenangan untuk selamanya
Senyum menciptakan suasana kegembiraan dalam rumah, keceriaan dalam kerja. Senyum adalah tanda persahabatan
Senyum itu tidak dapat dibeli, dipinjam, dicuri, karena senyum itu tidak ada nilainya sebelum ia diberikan kepada orang lain
Diposting oleh AMIN FAUZI was born: di 4:37 AM 0 komentar
Label: amin
Kamis, Juni 07, 2007
Studi hukum Kritis
Tidak ada sesuatu yang bebas nilai ataupun kepentingan di dunia, meskipun itu hukum. Hukum adalah politis semua aturan yang terkandung di dalamnya syarat akan kepentingan. Baik kepentingan pribadi maupun kepentingan golongan.
Sampai saat ini hukum belum yang ada di
Ya. Berawal dari kegelisahan ini, Roberto Unger lewat
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Diposting oleh AMIN FAUZI was born: di 9:13 PM 0 komentar
Label: Buku