Historically, Pancasila as long as we understand as a basic of nation and unity in diversity which is having magic and divine power so that we can’t disturb it.
Existence of Pancasila since was born, as if become an absolute respectable. Moreover, at the Orde Baru government, the person who is assumed anti Pancasila, can be catch and entered it in the prison.
So, can’t Pancasila give a power for this nation? Whereas, the reality sometimes Pancasila is used as a tool of politics in authority to do and legalize for a self-interest.
Actually, if we look reality in this nation, basic nation is not so important for us, but we more need a good law. Because law is arrange society. Because Pancasila is just philosophy of life. Philosophy can appear a dispute and new conflict.
Therefore, in the advance country there is no basic nation but there is a law. For example in Australia, basic nation is nothing but there is a clear law like KUHP (Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana) in Indonesia, the function arranges how to make relation between one person and the other so that it become a peaceful.
For example like first sila, the belief for God Almighty. If only there is somebody said that not belief for god almighty or may be atheist. Can’t they become Indonesian citizen? That is a problem.
If somebody doesn’t belief to god, it is not nation business but private right. We have religion or not as long as we never tricking, killing for somebody else, it does not make a sense. There is no Pancasila, it doesn’t matter. Sometimes people are killing each other because of philosophy fighting about Pancasila interpretation. Although Pancasila ever has role for unity in diversity on Indonesian history, Ideality unity has to arranged in law because law is more important than Pancasila.
When Orde Baru government, Pancasila used to fight PKI (Partai Komunis
Historically, because Indonesian people like symbol, may be Soekarno creates Pancasila to give symbol. Symbol needs to make unity this nation and symbol of struggle. But now, the more important thing is practice, it means clear of law.
Principally, if somebody has good characteristic, certainly he also will have good attitude although without Pancasila. Actually, the important thing is law, which is scope all of every life aspect human being. Because Pancasila just philosophy of life. Pancasila it’s good, but don’t forget that law is more important. Because it arranges a journey in the society.
Pancasila without UUD (Undang-Undang Dasar) doesn’t meaning. On the contrary, UUD without Pancasila is doesn’t matter. UU is more important than Pancasila. More better between Pancasila and UUD complete each other. But if we make rational and practice, actually there is Pancasila or nothing it is no problem. Because UU is more important than the others. Because Pancasila is symboling it doesn’t consequence that law is more significant. Amin Fauzi
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